Page name: A lesson in spelling [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-30 19:05:52
Last author: Seamless
Owner: Seamless
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You all know about and are probably quite fond of those people who cannot spell. No I'm not talking about simple typos, or those people who couldn't spell if their life depended on it. This is about all of those people who are too lazy to use correct grammar/punctuation/capitalization, so on and so forth.


My friend [Dragon Flash] made this one. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3<3<3

Lesson #1
Lesson 1 - You

Lesson #2
Lesson 2 - The 'your' group

Lesson #3
Lesson 3 - What

Lesson #4
Lesson 4 - Please

Lesson #5
Lesson 5 - To, too and two

Lesson #6
Lesson 6 - Then and than

Lesson #7

Lesson #8
Where, we're, were

Lesson #9
There, their, they're

Lesson #10
(Just for [Tynuka-Rhytishy])

Soon to come

I will add more later, please give me suggestions.

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-02 [EmJ Taylor]: Hahaha! Too lazy. That is a classic.

2004-07-02 [EmJ Taylor]: Y-O-U. *CACKLES*!

2004-07-02 [cuntstitches]: ;d You're my hero.

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: B-) I'm so cool, I'ma hewo !!

2004-07-02 [Your Christ Is Dead]: i love you too ^_^ i love you that you have enough shit in you to fuck wiht me

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: Wha? Are you talking about me? :O

2004-07-02 [Your Christ Is Dead]: yeah i am ,you made this site for here what the fuck do you want?

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: I didn't make this wiki for you. I made it for myself, and for all the people who can't take half a second to type a few more letters. hm....

2004-07-02 [werethylacine]: Lovely concept here. Care 2 do a lesson 4 those who use numbers instead of words or letters? It makes me h8 people who make my eyes bleed like that. And please don't h8 me for giving an example.

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: Will do! It might be awhile, you see I am a lazy fucktard :D

2004-07-02 [nightwolf]: yeah you are, thats why she never spells properly :P, pretty much like me

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: I do too spell properly!!

2004-07-02 [Dragon Flash]: Welcome!!

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

2004-07-02 [Gone123456789]: -Waits for someone to type something really stupid like "omg wtf waz tat???!!! ur so gai! dis iz gai! u sukk munky dik"- You know it's going to happen sometime. You should do Its, It's, and It's (in a possieve pronoun form.)

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: :O Someone just did! You got your wish :P

2004-07-02 [Gone123456789]: Yay! Wait... me?

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: :p Yeah

2004-07-02 [EmJ Taylor]: *Saves Accio from waiting*  "omg wtf waz tat???!!! ur so gai! dis iz gai! u sukk munky dik fukas n u stinkz liek shite n u r uglee u datty bitczhes"

2004-07-02 [EmJ Taylor]: *Sighs* Aww, my talents are always immactulate when it comes to "idiot talk". *Waves to Krsysal and licks her*

2004-07-02 [Seamless]: Haha, that's too bad Emma. You really should work on your communication skills. I added the 'to's' ^.^

2004-07-02 [EmJ Taylor]: HAHAHA! I made a comment! ROFL.

2004-07-03 [Seamless]: Me too

2004-07-03 [Naomi]: nice krystal

2004-07-03 [Seamless]: Heh...Thanks Sarah, can you tell I was bored and annoyed? :D

2004-07-03 [Naomi]: yes! but this is never would a thought of

2004-07-03 [Ham]: yep, rather weird too...

2004-07-03 [Seamless]: Yeah welll nah!

2004-07-04 [Naomi]: heh...soo..anywayds...i am hungry.

2004-07-04 [Zauberin]: oh oh you need a lesson in "hot vs. hott"

2004-07-04 [Zauberin]: 'cause what's that extra t doing there anyway?

2004-07-04 [Zauberin]: and the word cool... some people think they are soooo kul ... well they're not :P

2004-07-04 [Seamless]: I have so much to do @_@

2004-07-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You should add the infamous NE1

2004-07-05 [EmJ Taylor]: Er.. u wnt 2 knoe wot i tink? yeh wel i tink dis wika iz stuuped coz i knoe hw 2 spll & nun of u do so y dnt u jzt f off u fckers and yeh i AM KUL U idot

2004-07-05 [EmJ Taylor]: (Hahah! Krystal, sorry hun, I couldn't resist. The idiot inside me just wanted to shine. XD!)

2004-07-06 [Naomi]: nice! so you are sayin' you are an idiot?

2004-07-06 [EmJ Taylor]: No, Naomi. It is an inside joke.

2004-07-06 [Naomi]: ahh..i see..

2004-07-07 [EmJ Taylor]: Hahaha! I actually think what I wrote in idiot talk was funny, Krystal.

2004-07-07 [Seamless]: Your true self shines :P

2004-07-07 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Hello little penny counter. ^_^ I really like your wiki. People who miss spell things just so that they may type a little bit faster piss me off. Well, those who use it too much anyway. Perhaps you should add "thank you" as well. It is commonly spelled wrong. ^_^ 

2004-07-07 [Seamless]: I haven't worked on this in awhile >.> <.< Shh don't tell anyone.

2004-07-07 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *giggles* I promise that I won't tell anyone. ^_^

2004-07-07 [Seamless]: Good, I swear they won't know even though I just posted it in the comments on my wiki-page ^^

2004-07-07 [Kitten Leath Feral]: They won't. Well, not your students at least. Some people are very idiotic. *nods head affermatively*

2004-07-07 [Seamless]: Awesome ^^

2004-07-08 [EmJ Taylor]: I published your wiki in my wiki, Krystal. You should bow down and worship me.

2004-07-08 [BarleySinger]: there is a free spelling program for I.E. that allows people to check their spelling. It's on (and yes I use it because my spelling is horrid. It went away with my memory - I have medical problems, not intellectual laziness). You can also obtain it at this link ( ). It works in Win95 and up (I think) and you can right click to spell check anything in a form. You can select a section of text first, and just spell check that.

2004-07-08 [Sammiface]: Mmm.. best wiki I've ever seen, great idea!

2004-07-08 [Sammiface]: oh- love vs. luv -nod- If no one's suggested it.

2004-07-08 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: this is awesome lolol

2004-07-08 [Seamless]: That means I probably should work on it huh? >> <<

2004-07-15 [Spanakopida]: I love all of you. This might possibly be the greatest wiki ever created.

2004-07-15 [Spanakopida]: What you really need is a there, their, and they're lesson. When people misuse those, it makes me want to scream.

2004-07-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yep, and he's his....where were....all those are total hell

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